Uniform - We are awaiting further clarification on this but we suggest that you don't rush to buy formal school uniform at this point. There is a potential hygiene with formal wear (ties/blazers/suits) as they don't get washed as frequently as other clothes. We will share more information once the guidance has been clarified.
Transport - Most pupils arrive at our school on buses. Due to Covid-19, the capacity on the buses will be much reduced. Our Transport team at Perth and Kinross Council are currently negotiating with our bus contractors on delivering school transport safely.
Issuing of Timetables - It looks likely that pupil timetables will be issued when they return to the school building in August. It is very likely that there will be an "return to school" induction programme for all pupils (S1, S2 and S3) as there will be fundamental changes to the environment. We are currently designing what this programme will look like but the first day back is likely not to include any timetabled classes.
What will school in August be like? - We totally understand the need for you to have an idea about what to expect but, at this time, there are still too many variables for us to be able to confirm it all at present. Some things we can confirm are; classes will be smaller, new hygiene and cleanliness routines will be in place, breaks and lunches will be staggered to minimise traffic around the building. Mr Clyde will be providing an update to parents before the end of June to provide some peace of mind for our families.
School lunches - Tayside Contracts are currently risk assessing how they can deliver a service to school pupils safely. The exact details have not been confirmed at present, but the queue system will likely be similar to the supermarket procedures.
PE Kit - more information regarding PE kit will be shared directly to parents by Mrs Tramontanas (Principal Teacher of PE).
Issuing of iPads - The order was placed for iPads many weeks ago but there is a global supply issue. Some iPads have arrived and it is our intention to give them to our new S1 group on the first day, but this does depend on the school receiving them. Unfortunately, this is outwith our control. If we have them, we will issue them on day 1, but it may not be possible.
Joining us from a non-feeder Primary School - Our administration team are collating details for pupils who have had placing requests approved.
S1 classes - Classes for our new S1 cohort have not been decided. Due to Covid-19, a full class of 30 pupils is not going to be possible in August. This will result in a significantly reduced number of pupils per class. We will try to create groups with at least one friend, but this is now much more difficult for us to do. Your understanding is very much appreciated.
Contacting us - If there are any other questions that you have please use the school email address - BerthaParkHSP@pkc.gov.uk - to contact us.